Roberto Cresta
from green insight to renewable impact

let´s go SMART

Setting up a company? Performing a business transformation, a market entry or a turnaround? How do you scale a business model? How do you reposition a brand or develop a sustainable business model? As your interim executive, I take on the responsibility for strategy and operational implementation.

In your company, I act as a managing director, Chief Sales Officer, CSO or Chief Operating Officer, COO and take on business, sales, division or project management for a certain period of time.

I operate in internationally oriented companies from the climate-tech industry, for the most part assisting original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that serve the entire value chain, as well as technology companies that connect the automotive and energy sectors through digitization or service providers. Ideally, they develop sustainable, energy-efficient products, systems and services that show positive effects on climate change and promote the energy transition.

Your advantage: from green insight to renewable impact

at a glance





Appear authentically, make straightforward decisions, act transparently – as a manager

Develop synergies, share knowledge, network people – as bridge builder

Understand quickly, think innovatively, act conceptually – as a visionary and thought leader

Approaching employees, creating trust, conveying orientation – as a good listener

Build structures, create order, realize goals – as a change agent and implementer

Plan realistically, classify technically, decide based on data and facts – as an engineer with a market-based orientation

Negotiate confidently in German, English, French and Italian, with an in-depth knowledge of the DACH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) region, France, Italy and UK – as an interim executive with international experience.


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„from green insight to renewable impact“

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„from green insight to renewable impact“

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